Avatar of God (Dedicated to a national hero)

By: Malem Elangbam


In the crowded world,
No one listened to anybody,
Someone was mourning,
Someone in pain,
Someone was begging
for survival & lives…

Finally, God listened and did something,
In the form of a white bearded man and resurrected,
Took birth to an upright and poor family,
To do miracles everywhere…

Started serving the society, country,
Since then, he earned millions of hearts,
He is the inspiration of all and
He started shaping the country,
He promised heartily and for all of us…

He demonstrated the world,
The value and love for mother,
Ans the same as his mother taught us
to be person like her son,
to stand in front of all odds
and fight till victory…

He has guts,
whatever he says has guts,
And proved whatever he said and does,
Till he is in the hearts within us and forever
Demons will be razed,
Happiness, peace, harmony
have been handed over to us,
The Avatar of God,
The fear of evils,
The King of Lotus…

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