Kanglei Ima Lup laments tragic violence in Jiribam

Kanglei Ima Lup laments tragic violence in Jiribam

IT News
Imphal, June 11:

Kanglei Ima Lup (KIL) has expressed grief over the tragic events in Jiribam. In a press release, Khaidem Shanta, secretary of publicity for KIL, condemned the brutal killing of 59-year-old Maibam Saratkumar, which ignited widespread violence and destruction in Jiribam.
The statement detailed how the killing led to numerous homes being burned down, with many residents now living in relief camps. Since the violence erupted on May 3, 2023, there have been significant casualties and injuries. Despite the passage of a year, many affected individuals continue to reside in relief camps, with no resolution in sight.
KIL expressed concern that the prolonged violence could be a deliberate attempt to commit genocide against a particular community. The organization called for urgent action to address the ongoing crisis and bring about a peaceful resolution.

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