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JNIMS staff donates money for kidney transplant of IDP

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JNIMS staff donates money for kidney transplant of IDP

IT News
Imphal, May 18:

In a heartwarming display of solidarity and compassion, Dr. Rajesh Waikhom, Head of the Nephrology Department at JNIMS, alongside Thoidingjam Bon Khurai, Chairman of the Relief Committee at JNIMS, organized an event where a substantial sum of Rs. 90,000 was handed over to L Sanathoi, the mother of Deviya, an inmate of the relief camp who is undergoing a kidney transplant at JNIMS.
This substantial contribution was made possible through the joint efforts of various departments within JNIMS, including the Nephrology team, the Medicine Department’s PGT, Nursing Sisters, Dialysis Sisters, and Technicians.
The Relief Committee Chairman, Thoidingjam Bon Khurai, lauded the commitment of JNIMS staff in caring for patients from diverse relief camps across Manipur. He expressed gratitude towards JNIMS for their unwavering dedication and sincerity in tending to the needs of these patients. He also thanked the District Administration of Bishnupur for their significant monetary contribution towards Deviya’s kidney transplant.

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