Home » Intas Foundation marks 2nd Anniversary with heartfelt celebration

Intas Foundation marks 2nd Anniversary with heartfelt celebration

by Konthoujam Gita
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Intas Foundation marks 2nd Anniversary with heartfelt celebration

IT News
Imphal, June 1:

Intas Foundation, along with Apna Ghar, commemorated its 2nd anniversary with a touching celebration held at its office premises. The event, attended by cancer patients, caregivers, and official staff members, underscored the foundation’s steadfast commitment to supporting individuals affected by cancer through a range of essential services.
The celebration commenced with an uplifting welcome address delivered by Project Associate Chandam Maradona Singh. Reflecting on the significant achievements of the past two years, Maradona Singh emphasized the foundation’s role in establishing a haven for those battling cancer. Through initiatives such as free accommodation, nutritional food support, transportation assistance, counseling, and diverse activities, Intas Foundation has provided solace, sustenance, and hope to cancer patients.
An interactive session formed a poignant part of the event, allowing patients and caregivers to share their experiences and offer suggestions. This exchange fostered a sense of unity and collective resilience among attendees. Grateful patients and caregivers expressed heartfelt thanks to the foundation for its invaluable support during their challenging times.
Looking ahead, Intas Foundation remains steadfast in its commitment to expanding its services and enhancing the quality of care provided. The foundation is dedicated to upholding its mission of offering holistic support to cancer patients and their families, ensuring they receive optimal care and comfort throughout their journey.
For individuals in need of the foundation’s services, please contact via mobile at 7984084145 or 7984084131. Intas Foundation stands ready to extend a helping hand to those battling cancer, offering compassion, assistance, and hope in their time of need.

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