Home » Indian Army rescued thousands stranded people in an unprecedented Manipur flood

Indian Army rescued thousands stranded people in an unprecedented Manipur flood

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Indian Army rescued thousands stranded people in an unprecedented Manipur flood

IT News
Imphal, May 30:

Indian Army of Red Shield Division had extended immediate help in rescuing and evacuating stranded people, including the old aged people, sick people, pregnant mothers, newly born babies, women and children, from different parts of the submerged Imphal areas for the last few days without sleeping day and night.
The Indian Army had also rescued women and children including newly born babies and patients from ICU from Little Clinic Hospital in Imphal city. They also rescued stranded people from Kabo Leikai and large parts of Deulahland near Tiny Tots’ School.
The Army’s swift response to the unprecedented flooding in Manipur by helping thousands of people is being given warm and wide response from the public in the state.

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