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FOCS relocates IDPs in Jiribam

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FOCS relocates IDPs in Jiribam

IT News
Imphal, June 24:

Federation of Civil Society Organizations (FOCS), Manipur has taken the initiative to relocate the displaced residents of the Jiribam sports complex to Kasturibai School due to the lack of basic facilities in the complex.
FOCS President Th Manihar, speaking at Jiri Higher Secondary School, reported the dire situation faced by the displaced individuals who have fled the violence in the Borobekra subdivision of Jiribam. These residents, primarily women and children, have been forced to flee to various relief camps and locations due to ongoing conflicts, and they are now facing severe shortages of basic necessities.
Many of these displaced people are currently residing in a sports complex where conditions are far from adequate. The lack of proper facilities and toilets has led to the spread of diseases, creating a public health crisis among the refugees. Moreover, rising temperatures are exacerbating the already challenging living conditions.
Efforts are underway to relocate the displaced individuals from Lamtai Khunou and Loukoipung within the Borobekra division. Half of the affected population has already been moved to Kasturba Girls High School. FOCS Manipur has been in communication with the district administration to request better facilities and support for the displaced people. They urge anyone who is able to assist to contact the local district administration to provide much-needed aid.

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