Home » ZUF says no to any form taxation, extortion in their area

ZUF says no to any form taxation, extortion in their area

by Rinku Khumukcham
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IT News
Imphal, Aug 23:

The Zeliangrong United Front (ZUF) has stated that any form of taxation or extortion or any undue interference from any quarter shall not be entertained at NH-37 and NF Railway that falls within the area of ZUF.
A statement by Alur Seikho, Deputy Secretary, Information & Publicity said that the NH-37 and NF Railway that stretches across Zeliangrong Homeland falls within the cover areas of ZUF, and that no taxation or extortion or any undue interference from any quarter shall be entertained. He said that the NSCN-IM cadres operating randomly in Zeliangrong areas without any regards to the owners of the land should be stopped henceforth and NSCN-IM should remain within their respective designated camps.
The statement said that the CSOs have affirmed to maintain unbiased support to the ongoing Zeliangrong political talk with the GOI. And that, no undue interference from any quarter should cause disturbance to the process of the political talk in progress. Thus, understanding the current political scenario and keeping in mind the need to promote political maturity on the Nagas and Zeliangrong political aspiration, the leaders of CSOs have assured to maintain peace and social harmony in the region and society. The leaders of CSOs as stakeholders and social conscience keepers of the society are responsible for upholding the declaration and maintaining social justice, peace, and harmony in society.
The ZUF also conveyed its acknowledgment of the mission of Civil Society Organizations to rescue the three captives of NSCN-IM cadres and the subsequent general declaration made on the 31st July at Khoupum, Manipur.
“The Front is impressed with the CSOs leaders for their goodwill service rendered to rescue the three NSCN-IM captives and restore peace and safety in the society. The recent consequential eruption of violence took place along NH-37 wherein two lives of NSCN-IM have been lost and three cadres caught at Reangpang and Nungba areas by Zeliangrong Tiger Force (ZTF) an armed wing of ZUF.
The ZUF statement said that Obed Kamei, RTO ZUFwas abducted, tortured, and killed by NSCN-IM on the 19th July and buried on the 21st of July 2023. It said the voice of the public carried by Rongmei Naga Council Manipur (RNCM) to boycott the presence of NSCN-IM and their activities in the region following the brutal killing. Further, the General Declaration was also made on the day of releasing the three captives of NSCN-IM at Khoupum, on the 31st of July 2023 by leaders of CSOs and the public wherein, the right and reasons of ZUF legitimacy in the region has been declared and agreed.

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