YACPIP appeals Assam Govt. to include Manipuri Language as Associate official Language

IT News
Imphal, July 14:

Youth’s Action Committee for Protection of Indigenous People (YACPIP) has expressed strong support to the demand of the Manipuri Youth Front of Assam (MYFA) and demanded the Assam Government for inclusion of the Manipuri Language as an Associate Language of Government of Assam.
“The demand of the MYFA is valid in nature as being Indigenous peoples inhabited in Assam since the 16th Century having a population of more than 3 lacs spreading across the 13 districts of Assam. The Manipuris inhabited in Assam has been serving the Government of Assam with high dedication and commitment since the fast many decades”, a statement by Laishram Gulshan, President of the Committee said.
The statement said that the recent decision of the Government of Assam on non inclusion of Manipuri Language saddens the large population of Manipuri inhabited in Assam which is very unfortunate.
YACPIP as being a indigenous youth’s organization would like to draw the urgent attention of Government of Assam to review its decision on the non inclusion of Manipuri Language and kindly include the Manipuri Language as an Associate Language of Government of Assam in the best Interest of Indigenous Manipuri Populace, it said and added YACPIP will continue to support the Manipuri Youth Front of Assam (MYFA) in demanding the Manipuri Language as Associate Language of Government of Assam until the demands are fulfilled.

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