Villagers in Senapati district haunted by insects; Crops, paddy, fruits destroyed

IT News
Imphal, July 16:

At a time when farmers of the state are facing an acute shortage of water in their field due to poor rainfall amidst the Covid-19 pandemic that is spreading like wild fire, villagers of Charoi Pandongba under Saitu assembly constituency of Senapati district are being haunted by not exactly known insect which looks like Caterpillars. These insects destroyed crops such as paddy, fruits and even ate up trees making them dry and dead.
A team of the Youth’s Forum for Protections of Human Rights (YFPHR) who visited the village on July 14 even witness the insects causing lots of itching to the villagers.
The village Charoi Pandongba has around 200 households. According to YFPHR, the village has been facing such insect attacks for the last two to three months and people of the community have no proper knowledge as it was the first time experiencing the attack.
They have lost of many vegetation due to insect attack resulting to drying up of plants especially the beans, fruits like lemon, banana and paddy leaves which could leads to shortage of food. The insect caused a serious infection on the skin causing itchiness, rashes, and drying up of skin.
A Villager identified as Ashen Paomei told that it could be due to impact of climate change as it was not experienced before last many years but the villagers do have faced losing of water stream due to cutting down of tree for many development projects like railways and many others. The reason of destructions of the environment leading to climate change could be reason for this insect attack. He further appealed to the Department of Agriculture, Horticulture, and Environment and Ecology Wings to intervene in the matter.
Taking serious concern over the new phenomenon YFPHR on behalf of the Villagers of Charoi Pandongba had appealed the department of agriculture, horticulture and environment and ecology wings to conduct an urgent fact-finding mission to intervene on such negative impact of climate change which could lead to food shortage of the community and Manipur at large.

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