Home » Village volunteers should be rewarded, not arrested: AMUCO

Village volunteers should be rewarded, not arrested: AMUCO

by Aribam Bishwajit
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IT News
Imphal, Sept 19:

The All Manipur United Club’s Organisation (AMUCO) has strongly urged the Manipur Government to unconditionally release the five village volunteers detained on 16th September. The organization emphasized that these volunteers, who bravely protect the citizens, deserve recognition and rewards.
In a recent press statement, AMUCO highlighted the vital roles these village defense volunteers play, often stepping in where the Manipur Government and police have been unable to intervene. Labeling them as “Heroes”, AMUCO credits them with safeguarding villages and confronting Kuki militants who target local residents.
AMUCO’s message is clear: these volunteers should not only be freed but also be honored with rewards for their acts of courage. “The services they offer, often in high-risk scenarios, is something the government should acknowledge and compensate,” the statement read.
Furthermore, AMUCO has encouraged the broader Manipur community to rally behind these volunteers and resist any future arrests. They caution that the detention of these crucial community defenders could result in devastation for communities located near the foothills.
As the region grapples with ongoing violence, the arrest of these five volunteers only adds to the existing unrest. AMUCO’s plea underscores the gravity of the situation, urging solidarity and support for the brave volunteers defending the lives and properties of Manipur’s residents from threats of Kuki militants.

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