Unlock III-night curfew gone, gyms and yoga institutes to open from Aug.5;

Schools to remain shut till 31 August; Lockdown to continue till 31 August in the containment zones

IT Correspondent

New Delhi, July 30:

As per guidelines for Unlock III issued by the Union Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), effective First August, a night curfew restricting the movement of people between 10 PM and 5 AM, will be done away with, while Yoga institutes and gymnasiums will be allowed to open from 5 August. 

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Yoga institutes and gymnasiums will be issued by the Union Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (UMHFW) to ensure social distancing and contain the spread of COVID-19. 

There shall be no restriction on inter-state and intra-state movement of persons and goods and no separate permission/ approval/ e-permit will be required for such movements. International air travel of passengers has been already been permitted in a limited manner under the Vande Bharat mission. Further opening up will take place in a calibrated manner. 

The Independence Day functions will also be allowed, but with social distancing and by following other health protocols like wearing masks. 

However schools, coaching institutes and colleges will remain shut till 31 August. Similarly  Metro rail, cinema halls, swimming pools, theatres and bars will also continue to remain shut. Besides the schools and colleges will stay shut till 31 August. Similarly large congregations — whether social, political, sports, entertainment, academic, cultural, religious functions and others — will be prohibited. Lockdown shall continue to be implemented strictly in the Containment Zones until 31 August. 

The home ministry also said that states and UTs, based on their assessment of the situation, may prohibit certain activities outside the Containment zones, or impose such restrictions as deemed necessary. Within the containment zones, strict perimeter control shall be maintained and only essential activities allowed. The Containment Zones will be notified on the websites of the respective District Collectors and by the States/ Union Territories (UTs) and information will also be shared with the (UMHFW), the statement read.

 MHA said that MOHFW will monitor the proper delineation of Containment Zones and implementation of the containment measures. 

The new guidelines, issued on Wednesday are based on feedback received from states and UTs, and extensive consultations held with related central ministries and departments, the statement said.

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