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Tomtomsana Nongsaba evades capture with public support

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Tomtomsana Nongsaba evades capture with public support

IT News
Imphal, June 26:

In a dramatic turn of events reminiscent of a Bollywood movie, Tomtomsana Nongsaba escaped police custody today at Keishampat after a tussle with the police personnel, in front of the Poknapham press office, with the help of a supportive crowd.
Tomtomsana Nongsaba was initially detained by the police as he exited the airport where he went to meet some people. During his arrest, the police confiscated his phone and took control of his vehicle. Tomtomsana Nongsaba was with his children at the time, causing distress to them as they witnessed their father’s detention.
As the police took Nongsaba into custody and reached Keishampat area, a crowd began to gather. The tension quickly escalated into a scuffle between Nongsaba and the people on the one side and the police on the other side. Amid the chaos, the crowd managed to extricate him from the police, enabling his escape.
The police vehicle involved in the incident did not have registration numbers, raising further questions about the legitimacy of the arrest. As of filing this report, the reason for his detention cannot be ascertained.

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