The Art of Living organises YES + Workshop at Manipur University

IT News
Imphal, Oct 2:

The Art of Living has jointly organised a pilot Project, a 6 days YES+ (Youth Empowerment and Skill) workshop with the Manipur University, Canchipur at the Department of Teacher Education, MU. W.e.f. 26th Sept to 1st Oct 2022.
Addressing the gathering as a Chief Guest, Prof W. Chandbabu Singh Registrar, MU lauded the initiatives taken by the Department of Teacher Education and said the vision of the Art of Living take a holistic approach to the issue of wellness of the students. He added that stress elimination and other holistic life-skills imparted by the Art of Living would play a very big role in students community.
Programme coordinator Dr. K. Romeo Meetei, highlighted the role of mind management in dealing with the health and mental issues faced by students and youths and welcomed the efforts to bridge the gap through Art of Living. The Art of Living have been working worldwide to help people boost their wellness in various ways and has been teaching people various mind management techniques and breathing exercises, “This is helping people in coping with the emerging health challenges with ease and confidence. We are very happy to reach out to the students who are in need of stronger mind.
Students gain the ability to overcome and drop long standing bad habits like smoking, consumption of alcohol and substance and systems abuse. The course also helps combat depression and suicidal tendencies, and has been reported to cure many diseases like Asthma, high BP, sleep disorders, etc. Regular practice of the techniques and knowledge of this course ensures a strong healthy body and a relaxed stress free mind.
Explaining the uniqueness of the workshop, Laishram Dixon, Resource person of the Art of Living, said “the Art of Living is proven to be effective in improving overall health significantly.” He also shared the Art of Living’s holistic philosophy about health and wellness.
He urged the Manipur University authority to initiate some more programmes for students mental health and wellness in collaboration with the Art of Living.

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