Home » Team LDA rescues over 800 flood-affected citizens in Imphal

Team LDA rescues over 800 flood-affected citizens in Imphal

by Sh Ajit
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Team LDA rescues over 800 flood-affected citizens in Imphal

IT News
Imphal, May 30:

Amidst the ongoing flood crisis, a dedicated rescue team from the Loktak Development Authority (LDA), led by Chairman M. Asnikumar Singh and Project Director Bhagaton, has played a pivotal role in alleviating the plight of affected citizens. Under the direct supervision of Chief Minister N. Biren Singh, the LDA team has been actively engaged in relief efforts since the evening of 28th May 2024.
In collaboration with the fishing community of Thanga of Bishenpur district the LDA has mobilized three teams of skilled fishermen equipped with boats to evacuate stranded individuals from the severely inundated areas of Imphal. This collaborative effort has resulted in the successful rescue of more than 800 people, demonstrating the effectiveness of coordinated action in times of crisis.
Furthermore, the LDA remains vigilant in monitoring the low-lying areas surrounding Loktak Lake, preemptively addressing potential flood risks to safeguard communities.
Expressing gratitude to all stakeholders involved, particularly the fishermen from Thanga, the LDA reaffirms its unwavering commitment to supporting the government’s comprehensive relief initiatives.
As the flood situation persists, the LDA and its dedicated personnel continue to work tirelessly, ensuring no effort is spared in providing assistance to those in need during this challenging time.

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