Students protest demanding solution of teachers’ demand to resume classes

IT News
Imphal, Feb 19:

As college teachers under the aegis of the Federation of Government College teachers’ Associations, Manipur (FEGOCTA) entered 2 days, students of DM College of Science and Arts today stage protest march inside the DM college campus demanding an immediate solution to the demand of the teachers’ body to resume normal class. The protest march nearly reached out at state Assembly road but the timely intervention of the police put the situation under control.

There is no idea of where the students are planning to head, but as the state assembly session is going on it is expected that the infuriated students might throng to the state assembly to put up their demand. Already security has been beefed up following yesterday’s protest march by a large number of women folk towards the state assembly demanding discussion of the drug menaces.

The interesting part seen today is that the police restrained even minimum use of force and the officer in charge of Imphal West Police station Ingocha calm down the irate student by convincing that hostile protest is not the solution.

Meanwhile, FEGOCTA, in a statement said that they will continue the protest until their demand are met. The teachers’ body is demanding implementation of the 7th UGC pay and regulations.

Teachers of various government colleges staged sit-in-demonstration at their respective colleges today.

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