State imposes curfew; essential services relaxed but media not included

IT News
Imphal, July 16:

In view of the rising Covid-19 pandemic, the State Executive of the State Disaster Management Authority had imposed a curfew in the entire state of Manipur with effect from July 18 to July 27.
In an order issued by Chief Secretary Dr. Rajesh Kumar who is also the Chairman of the State Executive Committee, Government of Manipur, it is stated that the number of infections of the Covid-19 virus detected every day continues to be very high relative to the population and is a cause of concern and warrants stricter measures to bring down the spread of the infection in the interest of the public health. It said that as per section 20(2)(a) of the Disaster Management Act, 2005, the curfew has been imposed in the entire district with effect from July 18, 2021, to July 27, 2021.
The order however relax essential activities/services related to vaccination, Covid testing, medical service (Hospital, Clinic/ Pharmacies), water supply, power supply, Police, Telecom/internet service, air travel, agriculture/ horticulture, garbage clearance, petrol pumps, LPG distributors and goods truck.
Nowhere in the order mention relaxation of media persons who were earlier announced as a Covid warrior many times by the state authority, in the said order dated July 16, 2021.
President in charge of the All Manipur Working Journalists Union (AMWJU) while replying to reporters in the WhatsApp group said that state authority had stated that media persons come under essential services. However, the essential services and activities are clearly mentioned by not leaving aside the police and medical service, while there are no words such as media persons or journalists in the said order.
It is not clear whether the media should also stop working during these new “curfew” imposed by the State Executive Committee of the State Disaster Management Authority.

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