Home » Speculation on CM’s resignation runs high as MLAs rush to Delhi; however nothing is certain

Speculation on CM’s resignation runs high as MLAs rush to Delhi; however nothing is certain

by Rinku Khumukcham
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Speculation on CM’s resignation runs high as MLAs rush to Delhi; however nothing is certain

IT News
Imphal, June 30:

Many Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) from the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) are currently in Delhi driving speculations and rumours that CM Biren Singh might resign.
These concerns come amidst reports suggesting that some MLAs from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and their allies are calling for N. Biren Singh’s resignation.
According to The Indian Express, at least seven MLAs from the BJP and the NPF arrived in the national capital on Friday following a meeting chaired by N. Biren Singh with NDA MLAs, excluding 10 Kuki-Zomi legislators. The meeting aimed to discuss the current situation in Manipur, with attendees from the BJP, NPF, NPP, and JDU. Sources indicated that several MLAs expressed dissatisfaction with the crisis management and conveyed the public pressure they are facing.
NE Live reports that MLAs from the ruling BJP and its allies have started arriving in New Delhi in groups to clarify their stance on supporting an integrated Manipur versus allegedly aiding migrants from Myanmar. The MLAs face significant pressure from their constituencies and affiliated organizations to resolve the ongoing issues in the state.
In response, CM N. Biren Singh addressed the media, stating that around 35 MLAs attended a meeting where a decision was made to submit a memorandum. “The MLAs entrusted me with securing an appointment with Modi,” he added. CM Biren clarified that while some have proceeded to meet the PM, this action is not linked to any potential resignation. He mentioned that he has not yet travelled to Delhi due to the central leaders’ busy schedule with the ongoing parliamentary session.
According to a source close to BJP leadership, “almost all the NDA MLAs are currently in Delhi, sponsored by individuals close to the Chief Minister.” The source further has revealed, “These MLAs aim to consolidate their backing for N. Biren Singh. By convening in Delhi, they intend to engage with BJP leadership and other NDA partners to advocate for his continued leadership. They assert that despite challenges, N. Biren Singh remains the most capable leader to navigate Manipur through its current crisis.”
This revelation resonates with widespread sentiment in the valley area, where there is concern that destabilizing his government could jeopardize Manipur’s integrity. There is also apprehension that the BJP lacks a viable alternative. “Even if he is removed, who will step up as the next CM? His leadership is crucial for maintaining Manipur’s integrity,” the source emphasized.
“Given this, nothing is certain and definitive on this matter, he could very well remain as CM” according to another source.

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