Home » Sit-in Protest at Brahmapur Nahabam Leikai condemning bomb attack

Sit-in Protest at Brahmapur Nahabam Leikai condemning bomb attack

by Konthoujam Gita
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Sit-in Protest at Brahmapur Nahabam Leikai condemning bomb attack

IT News
Imphal, June 12:

Residents of Brahmapur Nahabam Leikai in Imphal East, Manipur, organized a sit-in protest today to denounce a bomb attack on Mayanglambam Biramani’s home. The attack, which occurred around 8 p.m. yesterday, has sparked local outrage and demands for immediate government action.
Th. Sanatombi Devi, a Meira Paibi leader from Brahmapur Nahabam Leikai, stated, “We all could have been injured. This is a residential area.”
Protesters highlighted the severe risks posed by bomb attacks in residential areas, emphasizing how such incidents create widespread fear and insecurity within the community. They called on the state government to take prompt measures to apprehend and penalize the culprits, emphasizing the necessity of safeguarding civilians from such threats.
A trustee and daughter-in-law of the affected family expressed shock and distress over the incident. She recounted that the bomb landed near their courtyard and stressed that the family had no known conflicts that might explain the attack. She appealed to those responsible to come forward and disclose their motives.
Mayanglangbam Indira described the incident, stating, “Around 8 p.m., the incident happened. Children were around. They were inside the house at that time fortunately. At the time, we saw that the car was on fire.”
Yesterday evening, two hand grenades were thrown at the residence of 66-year-old Mayanglambam Biramani in Brahmapur Nahabam Bamon Leikai. One grenade detonated, setting a parked vehicle on fire, while the other failed to explode. Fortunately, there were no injuries or casualties from the attack.

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