Sanitizers facemasks and medicines distributed

IT News
Imphal, Aug 23:

Imphal west students’ club (IWSC) Khumbong distributed hand sanitizers three layered facemasks and medicines for common cold, coup to every household of khumbong.
A statement by Atom Samarendra, General Secretary of the IWSC in a press release stated that the items were sponsored by Dr Yaikhomba Taorem child specialist shija Hospital and Research Institute Langol. A total of 7500 nos of face masks and 1500 bottles(100ml) of hand sanitizers were distributed to 750 household of khumbong.  During the handover of the items to the Club Dr Yaikhomba Taorem express that peoples of Khumbong should never discriminate if any person come Corona virus positive in the locality. He further appealed to the localities to maintain the SOP for prevention of the disease. The Club appreciated Dr Yaikhomba Taorem for his contribution and support during the pandemic covid-19.

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