Home » RRM organized 13th Mahousa Ema Ningshing Tha

RRM organized 13th Mahousa Ema Ningshing Tha

by Sh Ajit
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RRM organized 13th Mahousa Ema Ningshing Tha

IT News
Imphal, May 6:

Royal Riders Manipur (RRM) convened the ’13th Mahousa Ema Ningshing Tha’ to commemorate World Environment Day at the Langol office. Among the attendees were Vice President Achom Solomon, Finance Secretary Ranbir Nongthongbam, and Phanjoubam Jogen, General Secretary of Royal Riders Manipur.
During the event, Phanjaobam Jogen, the General Secretary of Royal Riders Manipur, highlighted the significance of the month-long environmental campaign slated from May 6 to June 5, 2024. He emphasized that due to conflicts in Manipur, the observance would be condensed to May 6 and June 5. Jogen also shed light on the history of Mahousa Ema Ningshing Tha and expressed the readiness of RRM members to collaborate with the government for the betterment of Manipur. He noted the absence of the event last year due to the prevailing conflict.
Furthermore, Jogen revealed Royal Riders Manipur’s initiative to conduct a free medical camp in remote areas of Manipur in 2024. He extended gratitude to those who contributed tree saplings on World Environment Day. Vice President Achom Solomon conveyed appreciation to RRM members.
At the RRM Langol office, Vice President Achom Solomon, Finance Secretary Ranbir Nongthongbam, and other RRM members planted tree saplings and introduced motorcycle stickers.

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