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RIMS observes International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

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RIMS observes International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

IT News
Jiribam, June 26:

The Department of Psychiatry at the Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), Imphal, observed the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking today under the theme “The Evidence is Clear: Invest in Prevention.” The event was held at Dr. Kamal Hall, Department of Psychiatry, RIMS, Imphal.
The program was graced by Prof. N. Sanjib Singh, Medical Superintendent of RIMS Hospital, Imphal, as the Chief Guest. He shared the dais with Dr. S. Gojendra Singh, Head of the Department of Psychiatry, RIMS, Imphal, who served as the President of the event, and Prof. Brogen Singh Akoijam, Dean (Academics), RIMS, Imphal, along with Dr. Sameeta Ng., Head of the Department of Clinical Psychology, RIMS, Imphal, who was the Guest of Honour.
In his speech, Prof. N. Sanjib Singh highlighted the significant contributions made by the Departments of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology at RIMS in providing treatment for drug-addicted patients. He emphasized the success of RIMS’ Drug Treatment Clinic (DTC) and Regional Resource Coordinating Centre (RRCC). He noted that among the many drug treatment clinics in Manipur, the DTC at RIMS stands out as one of the most successful centers.
“It is a remarkable achievement that the RIMS Psychiatry Department has successfully treated 21,000 patients, helping them recover from drug addiction and lead normal lives,” Prof. Singh stated. He also mentioned that more than 100 people receive treatment for drug addiction daily through Methanol Replacement Therapy at RIMS. Additionally, RIMS is launching five more national programs focused on drug de-addiction.
The event was attended by R.K. Mecolt Singh, Deputy Director (Administration), RIMS, Imphal; Sairem Sarat Singh, Chief Administrative Officer/Financial Advisor, RIMS, Imphal; Heads of Departments, faculty members, students, and staff of RIMS, Imphal.

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