Relief Camp inmates call for resolution amidst commemoration of May 3 anniversary

Relief Camp inmates call for resolution amidst commemoration of May 3 anniversary

IT News
Imphal, May 3:

In a commemoration event marking the anniversary of May 3, 2023, inmates of the Moirang College Relief Camp shared their heartfelt desires for peace and resolution amidst conflict. Hailing from Kangvai, Torbung, and Churachandpur town area, these individuals have endured displacement and hardship due to the violence in the region.
Irom Nandini, a resident of Churchandpur Thengra Leirak, expressed a collective longing to return to their original homes. She shared, “About those who are victims of this violence and their family members, who desire to still continue the war, their hearts are broken. But what can we do now? What is lost is lost. So, we want to find a resolution. But if our children still want to fight, we are ready for it too. But, it is always good and better to have peace than war.”
Maisnam Bina, a resident of Torbung Bangla now residing in the Moirang Relief Camp, voiced frustration over the lack of tangible progress despite government assurances. “It’s been one year. The government is saying that there is resolution but there is nothing on the ground. We can’t go back. We are worried about our future. The people in the government, their families are not affected so they are not doing anything. The government should kill us now. We are living like beggars,” she lamented.

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