Regular Court sitting to be suspended; urgent matter to take up through Video conferencing

IT News
Imphal, July 24:

The regular court sitting for both the High Court and District Courts/Tribunals will be suspended till 31.07.2020, but will take up urgent matters through video conferencing. A notification in the regard has been issued by the Registrar General of the Manipur High Court yesterday.
Even as regular court sitting for both the High Court and District Courts/Tribunals shall remain suspended However, all Courts in Manipur including the High Court will take up urgent motion cases through video conferencing, the notification said.
It added that the court proceedings shall be done through video conferencing facility as per Notification No. 55 dated 08.04.2020 issued by the High Court. However, in case video conferencing is not possible due to any reason, physical court may be conducted by maintaining strict covid-19 protocol and social distancing on permission.
The notification has been directed by the Chief Justice of Manipur High Court in continuation of and in partial modification of earlier Notification No. 71 issued by the High Court of Manipur to combat the pandemic spread of Novel Corona virus (COVID 19) and in compliance of the directions passed by the Supreme
Court of India vide Order dated 23.03.2020 in SMWC No. 3/2020: “IN RE
CONGNIZANCE FOR EXTENSION OF LIMITATION” and Order dated 06.04.2020 in SMWC No: 5/2020: “IN RE – GUIDELINES FOR COURT FUNCTIONING THROUGH VIDEO CONFERENCING DURING COVID 19 PANDEMIC” and considering extension of the ongoing LOCKDOWN upto 31.07.2020 as declared by the Government of India on 29.06.2020; and subsequently by the Government of Manipur on 23.07.2020
extending complete lockdown till 31.07.2020, and after discussing with the Judges, Advocate General, Senior and other Members of the Bar and other stake holders, and suggestions of High Court Bar Association, Manipur and All Manipur Bar Association.
The notification further added that in partial Modification of Notification No.55, the video conferencing software will be “Jitsi Meet”. For desktop and laptop, users can join Jitsi Meet video conferencing by simply opening the link sent by the Court end through any browser, e.g., chrome, firefox, etc.
For mobile phone users, “Jitsi Meet” app has to be downloaded and installed from “Play Store” or “App Store” and has to click the link sent by the Court end.
For the High Court, filing of fresh matters will be accepted email only at pending notification for e-filing which is under process. Hard copies have to be submitted to the Registry after restrictions are relaxed.
Any urgent listing for the day or filing of other application/documents, etc., mention by application is to be made before the Registry and it will be placed before the Chief Justice for appropriate order, the notification by the Registrar General added. For the District Courts/Tribunals, fresh urgent cases will be accepted by email and hard copies shall be submitted later on after restrictions are relaxed. Urgent application can be moved with the permission of the Presiding Judge.
Counsels/Parties shall file an undertaking to the effect that necessary court fees, sworn affidavit and other documents be submitted after restrictions are relaxed.
As far as possible, petition/application filed through email filing shall not exceed 15-20 pages along with important annexures/ documents. Complete set shall be submitted later on after restrictions are relaxed.
The notification further added that all urgent motion matters as above will be listed before the appropriate Bench as assigned by the Chief Justice.
In case of District Courts/Tribunals, mention is to be made before the Presiding Judge. In case the Advocates need to enter court complexes for any reason, strict social distancing and other covid-19 protocol to be maintained. Litigants and other officials relating to a case can enter court premises only with prior permission of the Court Presiding Judicial Officer.
The directives by the Chief Justice of Manipur High Court also stated that the District & Sessions Judges and Presiding Officers may work out modalities for proper functioning of their respective Courts in consultation with the members of Bar and other stake holders, as may be necessary.
Wearing of mask at all time is compulsory in all Court complexes of Manipur. Strict adherence to covid-19 protocol is a must.
On the other hand Normal training programmes of Manipur Judicial Academy which require physical attendance shall remain suspended till 31.07.2020. However, online training programmes shall be continued during lockdown period without fail, the notification added.
In view of the hardship faced by the common people during the covid-19 pandemic, Manipur State Legal Services Authority shall take up urgent legal services activities at all level, as may be possible.
Pending cases fixed for hearing on day-to-day basis up to 31.07.2020 shall be adjourned to subsequent dates in respect of High Court and District Courts.
The interim orders granted by the High Court for a specified date in pending cases shall be extended till next date of effective hearing. The interim orders granted by the District Courts/Tribunals in pending cases for a specified date shall be extended till next date of effective hearing.
Similar arrangements shall be made by all the respective Juvenile Justice Boards of the districts.
In view of suspension of regular Court work till 31.07.2020, limitation for any Court proceeding shall not run with effect from 15.03.2020 until further order in pursuance of order dated 23.03.2020 in SMWC No. 3/2020 IN RE COGNIZANCE FOR EXTENSION OF LIMITATION passed by Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.
Attendance of employees in the High Court and the District Courts/Tribunals including digitization and scanning project shall remain suspended. However, officers from Superintendent and above shall make themselves available for urgent official works.

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