Raid at MU campus an act of a heartless ruler : Gaikhangam

IT News

Imphal, Sep 26,

Former Deputy Chief Minister Gaikhangam had stated that the mid night raid in the campus of Manipur University by security personnel was more dangerous than the attack on students in Tiananmen Square in Beijing. The fate of the nation was at stake at China and the students were on the streets but in the MU the students were studying and they were attacked at the hostel campus, Gaikhangam stated while speaking during the felicitation function of Huidrom Vikramjit , the businessman turn politician, who recently enrolled in Congress Party.

Digging at the ruling BJP, Gaikhangam said that the BJP wants to infuse the ideology and thoughts of few fanatics to the whole nation which is a land famous for its diversity he added. Anybody not subscribing to its ideology is dubbed as anti national and actions taken up he added.

The schemes announced by BJP have no follow up action plans, it is just like offering some sweets to children he said. If the trend continues the identity of the people may be compromised he said. He appealed to all to save Parliamentary democracy and to stop the undeclared emergency which is imposed now. Go to the Hill or Village campaigns are all hollow programmes without proper action plans and the government is simply perform in the works supposed to be done by the local bodies he said.

Vikramjit speaking on the occasion said he will not divide the people into my people of his people as it is done now. All will be treated equally and his focus will be in the development of his constituency that is Yaiskul. He was shocked when MLAs and police intervened when localities tried to repair a drain during the flood and why many areas were left out during the works taken up in Yaiskul Kendra.

Ak Mirabai, MLA said what we are seeing today is a form of dictatorship where all oppositions and voices were silenced.

RK Anand Spokesperson, Congress said the meeting was supposed to be held in a grand way in a peaceful manner at Kongba Soudongbung Lampak but the government did not allow even a felicitation function to be held. Freedom of expression has been curtailed; it is nothing but tyranny he added.

“We have seen dictators during WW-II but they all fell down, fascists will fall on their own he said. The government is asking the politicians no to politicise the issue. When the government does not act or perform its duties the politicians have to come up to the occasion to save the state and the people”, he said.

Dr Ng Bijoy asked where the rule of the law is. The administration is in a chaos as seen in the University. Congress Spokespersons S  Manaobi, Hareshwar Goswami appealed to the people to support the Congress in rooting out the BJP. Ph Guneshwar Sharma, President, Yaiskul Block Congress and leaders of various other frontal organisations also attended the function.

Hundreds of people from the surrounding areas attended the function even though the main function was cancelled.


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