Punjab National Bank donated 3 nos. of Infusion Pumps to RIMS

IT News
Imphal, June 17:

As part of CSR activities, today Punjab National Bank (PNB), Lamphelpat Branch (RIMS Campus), Imphal donated 3 nos. of infusion Pumps to be used in ICU of RIMS, Imphal acknowledging the selfless contribution towards saving lives and the long association with the Bank since inception.
The handing over was made to Prof. A. Santa Singh, Director, RIMS by Nirmala Ngangkham, Chief Manager and Luankhum Guite, Senior Manager of PNB, Lamphelpat Branch in the presence of Stevan Aimol, Chief Manager, State co-ordinator of Manipur. The Bank also assures to contribute towards the noble causes in future as part of CSR activities and in uplifting the society. Prof. Th. Sachin Deba Singh, Deputy Medical Superintendent and Dr. Y. Arunkumar Singh, Asst. Medical Superintendent, RIMS Hospital were also present.
Prof. A. Santa Singh, Director, RIMS, Imphal thanked the officials of PNB for donating the item during this Covid-19 pandemic.

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