Protest staged against serving of legal notice to Maheshwar

IT News
Imphal, Aug 28:

Women folk of Keishamthong Assembly Constituency today staged a sit-in protest at Keishampat Community hall denouncing the serving of legal to RPI Athawale national secretary Thounaojam Maheshwar by Assam Rifles. The legal notice was served to the politician in connection with his speech which demanded the complete removal of Assam Rifles from Manipur.
“From a child to grown-up adult, every Manipuri is demanding the removal of Assam Rifles, what is wrong when Maheshwar said the same”, Sukham Ibemma, member of Meira Paibi told reporters at the protest site. She added that people of the state have evidence about the biasness of Assam Rifles by siding with the Kuki militants.
The legal notice sent by a Shillong Bar Association advocate named Nitin Khera stated that during a public event in New Delhi on June 30, Maheshwar made various slanderous remarks against Assam Rifles. His statements not only defamed but portrayed Assam Rifles poorly in front of the people.
The legal notice stated that Maheswhar must clarify his statements in the public domain within 15 days and refrain from making any more defamatory remarks against the security forces.
Various Meira Paibi groups of Keishamthong Assembly Constituency stated that the legal notice served by IGAR (South) to Maheshwar should be withdrawn within three days.

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