Protest staged against blast at Majorkhul

 Majorkhul Peikai (Thoubei) and Majorkhul Young Association staged sit-in-protest against the Bomb blast in Majorkhul at front of star video yesterday night at which an I-20 car bearing registration no.MNO16 1550 and a Celero Car were destroyed.
Speaking to the media persons the vice-president of Kabui Mother Association, Atombi Kamei blamed the state police force for its inability to safeguard the people.
“They are good in collecting money from transporters carrying goods but they are unable to check those persons carrying the bomb”, she said.  
She further said that if a blast can occurred within such tight security in Imphal area then what would be the life of the far way villages.
She further added that a blast also occurred near the Major Khul gate and Kali Mandir last year.
“This is the third time that another blast occurred at around 11:30 pm yesterday night in the middle of the Major Khul which indicated that there is no proper security of the civilian in the heart of the town”, said Atombi Kamei .
She further appealed those responsible to clarify over the matter if the blast is an act of some underground groups.
Vice-Chairman of IMC, Thambal Jao Phaomei who also attended the sit-in-protest condemn the blast in the strongest term.

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