Home » Protest continues as Assam Rifles arrest Village Volunteers at Khongjom

Protest continues as Assam Rifles arrest Village Volunteers at Khongjom

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Protest continues as Assam Rifles arrest Village Volunteers at Khongjom

IT News
Imphal, June 12:

In a tense development, two Village Volunteers engaged in defending Langathel Village were apprehended from Sora Market by Assam Rifles personnel disguised in civilian attire. The incident occurred around 3:30 pm, sending shockwaves through the community.
Amplifying concerns, reports suggest that the Khongjom Phundrei 37 Assam Rifle unit is linked to the arrest, intensifying apprehensions among locals. Swift retaliation was evident as residents swiftly flooded the streets, erecting a blockade at Chingtham village. This blockade, initiated immediately after the apprehension, extended into its second day as tensions soared.
As night fell, the situation escalated further when Khongjom Police unleashed tear gas at demonstrators around 10:30 PM, exacerbating the unrest. Despite official assertions, the community adamantly insists that the detained individuals are innocent volunteers committed to safeguarding their villages from external threats.
Voicing outrage, residents denounced the prospect of civilians facing court appearances. They argue vehemently against such actions, citing the volunteers’ pivotal role in community defense.
Additionally, residents lamented the perceived inefficacy of law enforcement in addressing recurrent attacks by Kuki groups. Their demands echo the immediate and unconditional release of the detainees, pledging to sustain their protest until justice is served.
As tensions mount and grievances persist, the community remains resolute in their call for justice, with the protest continues unabated at Thoubal.

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