Home » President Droupadi Murmu’s address to Parliament, no direct mention of Manipur crisis

President Droupadi Murmu’s address to Parliament, no direct mention of Manipur crisis

by Rinku Khumukcham
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President Droupadi Murmu’s address to Parliament, no direct mention of Manipur crisis

IT News
Imphal, June 27:

President Droupadi Murmu addressed a joint session of both Houses of Parliament today, focusing on the achievements and challenges faced by her government, yet notably without directly addressing the ongoing crisis in Manipur and concerns over NEET examinations.
In her speech, President Murmu emphasized the government’s commitment to ensuring fair investigations and strict punishments for those involved in recent instances of paper leaks across the country. She called for bipartisan efforts to strengthen examination processes nationwide, highlighting ongoing reforms aimed at enhancing transparency and integrity.
While detailing India’s economic growth, President Murmu acknowledged the country’s rise to become the fifth-largest global economy despite challenges like the pandemic and conflicts. She underscored the government’s strategy of “Reform, Perform, and Transform,” which has positioned India as the world’s fastest-growing economy.
Regarding infrastructure development, the President noted significant achievements, including the construction of over 380,000 kilometers of village roads and accelerated progress on national highway projects. She also highlighted advancements in renewable energy, stressing India’s commitment to meeting climate targets ahead of schedule and creating green jobs.
President Murmu celebrated the enactment of the Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam, which reserves seats for women in Parliament and state assemblies, as a milestone in women’s empowerment. She also praised the government’s housing initiatives, noting that a majority of PM Awas Yojana houses have been allocated to women beneficiaries.
In the defense sector, the President highlighted reforms that have boosted defense manufacturing and exports, underscoring technological advancements and the establishment of a semiconductor plant in Assam aimed at positioning the Northeast as a hub for high-tech manufacturing.
While addressing education and youth development, President Murmu highlighted the establishment of new educational institutions and initiatives like the ‘Mera Yuva Bharat’ campaign to foster leadership skills among the youth. She emphasized the government’s commitment to digital education with plans to establish a Digital University.
President Murmu’s address, however, was marked by opposition protests over the Manipur crisis and issues related to the NEET examinations. Despite the disturbances, her speech outlined the government’s broad agenda for national development and welfare, leaving concerns about specific regional issues unaddressed in the parliamentary session.

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