PREPAK question the inner meaning of renaming Mount Harriet to Mount Manipur

IT News
Imphal, Oct 23:

Proscribed group PREPAK today said that the renaming of Mount Harriet to Mount Manipur is a policy to expand the colonial rule by the India government to the erstwhile kingdom of Manipur.
A statement by Leibaak Ngakpa Luwang, Charge d’ Affairs, Publicity and Propaganda of the Party said that there is nothing to be happy about the renaming of the Mount Harriet to Mount Manipur as the people of Kangleipak are living life of slaves. The statement said that the renaming is nothing but to strengthen the colonial rule over Manipur.
The PREPAK further said that Union Home Minister of India Amit Shah is the first person to acknowledge that Manipur have its own Constitution. If so why the Government of India is not recognizing that Manipur was a sovereign state, as the constitution of Manipur could not be abolished, the statement said. The statement also recalled on how the erstwhile nation was forcibly annexed to the Indian Union. The PREPAK also said that if the Union of India acknowledge the Manipur Constitution Act 1947, they should also know that that the treaty for so called merger agreement sign by the then king should not be recognized as the then king was not authorized to sign the agreement. The outfit also reminded that the so called merger was in violation of the Vienna Convention on the law of treaties 1969.
The PREPAK appealed the people to reconsider on the logic behind the renaming of the Mount Harriet to Mount Manipur.

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