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PREPAK (Pro) Chairman calls for unified Meitei ideology and resistance against Indian influence

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PREPAK (Pro) Chairman calls for unified Meitei ideology and resistance against Indian influence

IT News
Imphal, June 1:

On the occasion of the 14th Progressive Day of the armed rebel group, the People’s Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak (PREPAK) Progressive, which falls on June 1, 2024, the Chairman of the proscribed group, Longjam Paliba M, expressed his party’s empathy towards the grief and sorrow of families facing ongoing distress.
In his statement, the Chairman of PREPAK (Progressive) criticized India, stating that the country is plagued by deception, domination, shamelessness, and corruption. He claimed that any society falling within this influence becomes lethargic, likening it to being trapped in India’s ‘Sorry-Go-Round’. He accused Delhi of using the ‘Chakravyuha Strategy’ from the Mahabharata to subdue common and indigenous people under a peculiar ‘Political Formation’. He warned against trusting Meitei politicians influenced by Delhi, advocating instead for a collective ideological struggle to combat Delhi’s political influence.
He added that the popular sloganeering of “Abrogate SoO, enact NRC,” which is even recommended by the state government, has been the most incurious voice to the Big Brother’s Government. He further said that the recently held election also exposed the immature political mentality of Meitei. The Centre knows us as the most disunited community who can be pacified under threat along with money power. The lack of unified social ideology amounts to overall social upheaval and disunity; self-styled misadventures are very common in crucial shoot-outs, which fail the battle objective. How weak are we? Why are we weak? Do we accept that we are made to be weak and so are bound to be weak? The answer lies at the root of the social and political ideology of Meitei, which needs to come up, the PREPAK (Pro) Chairman said.
“This ideology needs to be propagated and implanted among the Meiteis. What we need is to know our own ‘Meitei Consciousness’. Let’s expound a robust ideology, awakened by the infamous May 3 event. However, as the ideology-less patriotism is illusionary, the Centre easily carried away our struggle; we could not stop the chaos and blame-game which happened during the crucial battle. Let’s always remember the famous Chinese strategist Sun Tzu’s saying, ‘Putting tactics before strategy is the noise before defeat’. However, the tactics and strategy are based on the socio-political and economic ideology in the modern sense. The lack of clarity in ideology means defeat in battle. Let us concentrate with ‘Meitei First, Dreamy Indian Second’; let others take exception to our Meitei-centric stand as they don’t understand how the Meitei/Meetei community originated. In other words, multi-ethnic indigenous communities had assimilated and formed the Meitei; those feigning ignorance of this fact are, in fact, becoming foreign despite living in close proximity,” he added.
Paliba said that the narco-terrorist community and drug cartel supported by India have created the narco-open market, which has transformed our sportive society into a drug-addicted society. On the other hand, there are many Meiteis who are addicted to the opium-like Indian political system. In order to protect ourselves from these harmful conditions, we need to be prepared ideologically for a multifaceted movement across societal, economic, and political spheres. The mentality that “Delhi will make us develop, crisis would be solved” is nothing but a dependency syndromic disease and its mindset. Such an incarcerated mindset is the crux of our weakness that needs to be overcome.
He urged the propagation of a unified Meitei consciousness and a robust socio-political ideology, referencing Sun Tzu’s strategic advice. He emphasized the need for the Meitei community to prioritize their identity over a broader Indian identity and criticized the influence of the narco-terrorist community and drug cartels supported by India, which he claims have transformed society negatively. Paliba called for ideological preparation to combat dependency on the Indian political system, which he labeled as a syndrome weakening the community.

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