Peace Rally for expediting of Indo-Naga process held at Ukhrul Headquarter

By – Addie Chiphang
Ukhrul, Nov 8:

The Tangkhul Katamnao Saklong (TKS) an apex Tangkhul students body organised “One Day Peace Rall y” at Ukhrul Headquarter here today.
The Rally simultaneously begin at 10:00 am from two opposite direction one from Dungrei Junction, Hungpung and the other one from Kharasom Junction,Hunphun, Ukhrul.
During the rally the rallies holds banners like, ‘ In solidarity with collective leadership ‘, “We support Framework Agreement’”, and slogans like We want Solution, Nagalim – March on March on, Implement framework agreement, Victory to our land- Kuknalim Kuknalim, Liberate Nagalim, No justice no peace, We shall fight – We shall win, One Nation – one people – one God, Respect Naga rights and Long live- Nagalim and etc.
At the time of rally all the shops in Ukhrul town down their shutter and all the taxis and patestrian also hold still to mark the respect and honour of the proposal rally.
The rally is aimed to raise a collective voice mainly for two reasons, and that is ‘to expedite Indo-Naga peace process based on the Framework Agreement’ and ‘To re-affirm that, the negotiation led by the collective leadership under the banner of NSCN/GPRN have the mandate of the Naga people’ the declaration read .
TKS address amplified that the aspirations, the Naga Club, the first political organization of the Nagas was established in 1918 before India attained he independence. However, despite India’s independence for more than 7 decades, a lasting solution to the Indo-Naga conflict is still pending. Two ceasefire agreements between India and Naga, one in 1964 and another in 1997 meant to facilitate dialogue and negotiation neither resulted in positive conclusion till now.
Eno. W. Sayai CAO, Wung Region NSCN/ GPRN on his speech stated that The Naga people continue to hope for a peaceful and just settlement to their long-standing issues. The Naga political journey has been marked by tears, sweat, blood and significant sacrifice in terms of lives and property. However, the determination to achieve our initial goals has never wavered. Notably, the negotiation process after the 2″ ceasefire resulted in a significant advancement in understanding and ultimately led to the signing of the “Framework Agreement” on 3/08/2015 by the representatives of both India and Nagas. While the Naga people anxiously await a resolution, there are forces both internal and external, diligently working to create confusion and disunity within the Naga family. In these challenging times, it is imperative for concerned Naga individuals to unite collectively and speak in unison. The moment has arrived for us to demonstrate our solidarity and assert collectively to expedite the peace process to the Indo-Naga issue, based on the “Framework Agreement” which is honorable and acceptable to both the parties. It is also a time to reaffirm that the negotiation led by the collective leadership under the banner of NSCN/GPRN carry the unequivocal mandate of the Naga people, the CAO quote.
During the rally around 5000 students and youths took part and finally converge at Ukhrul Headquarter ground, Wino bazaar for public meeting and public declaration.

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