One hardcore ULFA(I) cadre apprehended in Upper Assam

IT News
Imphal, Oct 14

Close on the heels of the successful apprehension of one ULFA(I) cadre in the area recently, troops of Indian Army and Assam Police in a joint operation apprehended another ULFA (I) cadre in Upper Assam on 11 October 19.
Based on the intelligence, the joint team launched number of simulations operations in the district of Upper Assam. During one such operation an active cadre of ULFA (I) identified as SS Sgt RiturajAsom was apprehended from area of Kathalguri Reserve forest. Recoveries from the operation included one AK 81 series rifle, 60 live bullets and two magazines.
The apprehended  individual and the recoveries have been handed over to police for further investigation.

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