Normal life affected on second day of 48-hour bandh

Band supporters at Kwakeithel

Normal life in Imphal valley districts was disrupted today due to the 48-hour statewide shutdown initiated by five local clubs and Meira Paibis. The shutdown was in demand for the unconditional release of five “village defence volunteers” who were arrested by the police.
On the second day of the shutdown, educational institutions, markets, banks, and commercial establishments remained closed. Government offices experienced low attendance, and only a few vehicles were seen on the roads. Large numbers of women in all five districts of Imphal valley blocked roads and chanted slogans, urging the release of the detained youths.
Protesters held the state government and police responsible for their failure to address the law and order situation in the hill areas. Meira Paibis and a group of volunteers from various locations including Samurou Naorem, Oinam Sawombung Samurou, Takhellambam Konjil, Hiyangthang, Keishamthong Elangbam Leikai, and other places gathered together on Irabot road and expressed their unwavering support for the 48-hour complete shutdown. The mothers have firmly decided to intensify their protest movements and take further actions against the government and the State Police department. Additionally, they expressed their determination to voice their concerns regarding the elected representatives of each Assembly Constituency. Protestors were seen blocking the road  at M.U. main gate, Canchipur, Kakwa Bazar ,Naorem leikai , Singjamei Waikhom Leikai,Singjamei Mayengbam Leikai, Singjamei Chinga Makhong , Pishum Ningom Leirak, Keishamthong Elangbam leikai , Keishamthong Kabui Khul and Yaiskul Meira Paibi at Keishamthong Bridge, Kwakeithel Bazar, Keishampat Traffic Point, Kangabam Leirak,Wahengbam Leikai, Sayang Kurao Makhong Tera Bazar, Sagolband Salam Leikai, Khamnam Leirak, Sagolband Tera Tongbram Leikai, Takyel Kolom Leikai, Langjing Achouba, Patsoi,Yurembam, Konthoujam Lamkhai and Khumbong Bazar.
It may be mentioned that the police arrested five youths on Saturday for carrying sophisticated weapons and wearing camouflage uniforms. The police stated that the arrested individuals had been presented before a judicial magistrate and were currently in police custody. On September 16, protesters attempted to storm the Porompat police station, demanding the release of the detained youths. This led to security forces using tear gas shells to disperse the crowd, resulting in minor injuries to a few protesters and personnel from the RAF.

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