NIA Court remands arrested Pambei-led UNLF Cadres to 10 days custody

NIA Court remands arrested Pambei-led UNLF Cadres to 10 days custody

IT News
Imphal, Mar 15:

Amidst calls for the unconditional release of the three Pambei-led UNLF cadres by various civil society organizations and Manipur Chief Minister N. Biren Singh, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) has remanded them in custody for 10 days, from March 13 to March 23, 2024.
The NIA court granted the remand plea on March 13.
The three Pambei-led UNLF cadres were taken into custody in connection with case number RC 23/2023/NIA/DLI by NIA New Delhi, which refers to a ‘transnational conspiracy by Myanmar-based leadership of militant outfits to wage war against the Government of India by exploiting the current ethnic unrest in Manipur.’
The arrested individuals are Thokchom Shyamjai Singh, also known as Thokchom Gyaneshor, Thoiba, Zatawn, Zaw Tun, or Shidabamapu, aged 45, son of (late) Th.lbotombi Singh Mayang, resident of Konchak Mamang Leikai, Imphal West; Laimayum Anand Sharma, also known as Ingba, aged 50, son of (late) L. Indreshwar Sharma, resident of Yaiskul Hiruhanba Leikei, Imphal West; and Salam Ibomcha Meitei, also known as Landaba, aged 38, son of Lokeswar Meitei, resident of Salam Keikhu Langjing, Imphal West, Manipur.
Chief Minister N. Biren has urged the central government to release the arrested individuals on the grounds that the Pambei-led UNLF had signed a ceasefire agreement with the Government of India and the state government on November 29, 2023, in New Delhi. Despite pleas from many CSOs and mass protests against the arrests in the valley, and the Chief Minister’s appeal for their release, there is no sign that they will be released, and instead, they are remanded for 10 days.

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1 comment

Haridas Singh Laitonjam. Pishumthong Ningom Leirak. Imphal West. #9366316702. March 15, 2024 - 2:42 pm
Very good informations. Well done, keep it up.
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