Naga Apex Bodies petition Amit Shah for repatriation of Myanmar Migrants

Naga Apex Bodies petition Amit Shah for repatriation of Myanmar Migrants

IT News,
Imphal, June 16:

Several civil bodies and organizations representing the Naga community in Nagaland and Manipur have jointly submitted a memorandum to Home Minister Amit Shah, urging for the repatriation of illegal migrants from Myanmar and the withdrawal of Assam Rifles from Indo-Myanmar border areas near Kamjong, Manipur.
The memorandum was submitted by the United Naga Council (UNC), Naga Women’s Union (NWU), All Naga Students Association Manipur (ANSAM), and Naga People’s Movement for Human Rights (NPM-HR). It highlighted the presence of approximately 5,457 illegal immigrants from Myanmar sheltered in eight Tangkhul villages in Kamjong district, Manipur. The organizations expressed concern that the migrant population has outnumbered local residents, impacting native customs and security.
“There is a significant lack of law enforcement to manage the rising anti-social activities, and the influx of foreign culture has threatened local customary practices,” the memorandum stated. It pointed out challenges in monitoring the activities of adult male inmates due to fluctuating numbers and irregular verification exercises in makeshift refugee camps.
The Naga organizations appealed to Home Minister Shah to facilitate the safe return of these migrants to Myanmar, citing improved conditions post-violence in their homeland. They acknowledged the hospitality extended by locals and the supportive role of the state government, emphasizing the need for the central government’s intervention in repatriation efforts.
Moreover, the organizations raised concerns about ongoing military activities despite the Indo-Naga Ceasefire Agreement since 1997. They highlighted the fear and insecurity caused by military presence and the disruption of daily life due to movements of military trucks at odd hours along the border.
“In light of these issues, we urge the withdrawal of Assam Rifles from the region, unless there is a genuine threat perceived by the Union Government,” the organizations concluded, urging prompt action from Home Minister Amit Shah.

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