My meeting with the Governor was to discuss about the improvement of Manipur Bhavan – PK Singh

IT News

Imphal, Sept. 8

Talks spreading among political analysts about mid-term poll speculated after the meeting between Governor of Manipur Dr. Najma Heptulla and Chief Election Officer (CEO) of Manipur PK Singh amidst dissident MLAs’ pressure for removal of Chief Minister N. Biren Singh turns out to be a rumour.

“CEO has nothing to do with mid-term poll or recommendation of President Rule but the CEO is supposed to conduct Election”, PK Singh told a Delhi based journalist during a telephonic conversation.

PK Singh (Prasant Kumar Singh) was appointed as the Residence Commissioner of Manipur Bhavan , New Delhi on August 30 by an order in the name of the Governor. He took charge as the Residence Commissioner only yesterday.

“My meeting with Her Excellency the Governor of Manipur was to brief about the condition of the Manipur Bhavan and to discuss about what to be taken up for the improvement of the Governor’s room at Manipur Bhavan along with others”, PK Singh told the reporter when asked whether the meeting was related with the rumours about mid-term poll.

It may be mention that after the photo of the meeting between Governor of Manipur Dr. Najma Heptulla and CEO Manipur PK Singh was uploaded in social media, section of political watch group have been speculating of a possible mid-term poll as the situation in the political theatre of Manipur is not stable. Dr. Najma Heptulla in her official Facebook page had posted – “Newly appointed Resident Commissioner of Manipur Bhavan, New Delhi Shri P.K. Singh met me today with the improvement plan of Manipur Bhavan (New Delhi)” on September 5.

Picture : File Photo

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