Musteroll employees furious over non payment of salary; lock IE ZP office

Highly aggrieved by non-payment of monthly salary for about 50 months, irate muster-roll employees of Imphal East Zilla Parishad yesterday locked the office of Imphal East Adhyaksha urging the authority concerned for release of their salary.
Three employees namely RK Bijoy Singh, Md Maniruddin and Pukhrambam Shyam who were appointed as Driver, Chowkidar and peon of Imphal East Zilla Parishad on Muster-roll basis in April 1998 have not received salary since April 2011 till date. After their appointment, they have been continuing to serve as muster roll in their respective capacities till date without receiving proper salary, said Md Maniruddin Chowkidar of Imphal East Zilla Parishad.
Despite umpteen requests to the government for payment of their wages and to appoint them into regular service, state government has failed to pay heed to their request.
Frustrated at this, the three musteroll employees filed a Writ petition with the Guwahati High Court Imphal .
The court heard the petition and directed the authority concerned to pay wages for the employees for the service they rendered within five months. Following the court order, government paid wages to the said employees for only one year. The employees have not received their wages from April 2011 till date.
The aggrieved employees again filed another petition to the Manipur High court and the counsel of the petitioners sent Re-notice to the Secretary, Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Government of
Manipur, Deputy Secretary, Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Government of Manipur, Director, Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Government of Manipur, Adhyaksha, Imphal East Zilla Parishad and Chief Executive Officer, Imphal East Zilla Parishad with a request to issue appropriate orders by way of compliance of the judgement and order dated 10-4-2008 passed in Writ Petition (C) No 304 of 2001 and 111 of 2001 to avoid future complication.
In the interim order passed in 2008, the Guwahati High  court also directed the Imphal East Zilla Parishad and Government of Manipur to fill up the post of Chowkidar, Peon and Driver on regular basis (if required) by following the constitutional schemes for the public employment and to consider the cases of the Musteroll employees in the event of taking up steps for regular appointment, he said.
However, the authority concerned failed to pay heed to the request. When we approached the Adhyaksha for release of salary, she replied that payment of salary was not possible for them due to paucity of fund, he said.

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