Home » MPCC criticizes President for ignoring Manipur conflict in Parliament address

MPCC criticizes President for ignoring Manipur conflict in Parliament address

by Konthoujam Gita
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MPCC criticizes President for ignoring Manipur conflict in Parliament address

IT News
Imphal, June 29:

The Manipur Pradesh Congress Committee (MPCC) has criticized the President of India for not addressing the ongoing conflict that began on May 3, 2023 in Manipur during her speech on June 27. The MPCC vehemently condemns the issue of Manipur not being presented in the ongoing parliament session.
At a press conference, K Devabrata, the Working President of the MPCC, highlighted the significance of the President’s speech in parliament. He stated that the President’s address should inform Parliament members about the session and outline government programs and initiatives. Devabrata expressed disappointment that the President did not mention the ongoing crisis in Manipur. He noted that this silence reflects the Prime Minister’s previous reluctance to visit Manipur and address the issue.
Devabrata questioned whether the new NDA government will continue to ignore the conflict in Manipur. He pointed out that the President’s speech claimed that disputes in the Northeast have been resolved, which he said is not true.
Devabrata commented on the President’s mention of collecting Rs. 2 lakh crore in GST for April, compared to around Rs. 94,000 crore in 2016-2017 when GST was introduced. Devabrata argued that this is misleading the public into believing the economy is flourishing, while in reality, it is not.
Also, the President speaks about Vishwa-Bandhu, highlighting India has taken initiatives in providing solutions to many global problems whether it is Corona crisis or an earthquake or a war, however in the case of Manipur, the PM refused to visit crisis torn Manipur and solve the crisis added Devabrata.

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