MoS, RK Ranjan urges for setting of Record Center of NAI in Imphal

IT News
Imphal, Aug 22:

Minister of State for External Affairs and Education, Dr. Rajkumar Ranjan Singh, who is also the MP from the inner Manipur Parliamentary constituency, has urged the Minister of Culture, Tourism and DoNER, G. Kishan Reddy for setting up of a Record Centre of National Archives of India (NAI) for the North-Eastern States at Imphal, Manipur.
In a letter written to the Minister today, RK Ranjan stated that researchers from North-Eastern States, who wishes to contribute to knowledge in society with their scholarly historical work (articles, books, monographs, translations etc.), have always been facing various problems in collecting primary sources from the states’ archives with ultimate destination at distant NAI, New Delhi. This involves abundant cost, ample time required and enormous effort which many of the scholars can ill afford.
RK Ranjan urged Kissan Reddy to order for establishment of Record Centre of National Archives of India for the North-Eastern states at a convenient site at Imphal, Manipur. He reminded the Minister that in 2000, there was an initiative to set up such record Centre in Northeast India, but the demand has remained unfulfilled.
RK Ranjan also highlighted about the numerous collections of ‘Puya Text’ (old Manuscripts) written in archaic Manipuri Language as well as religious scriptures written in Sanskrit and Buranjis of Assam requiring serious attention towards their scientific preservation.

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