Home » Moirang College students clean Tourist sites in Moirang

Moirang College students clean Tourist sites in Moirang

by Guru Aribam Naocha
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Moirang College students clean Tourist sites in Moirang

As part of the Moirang College students’ efforts to go beyond classroom learning, various organizations such as the NCC, NSS Units I, II and III, Youth Red Cross, and Eco Club of the College, along with the Principal, teachers, staff, and student union members, visited Tourist Places, Historical and Heritage Sites in Moirang. This activity took place during the fortnightly Swachhata Hi Seva (SHS) Pakhwada, a nationwide campaign that ran from September 15 to October 2. The students focused on the theme ‘Garbage Free India’ and cleaned up popular tourist spots like Sendra, INA complex, and INA Headquarters in Moirang, which receive a high number of visitors daily.
During the program’s flag off, Dr. Raheijuddin Sheik, Principal of Moirang College, emphasized that Moirang is a culturally significant historical place in Manipur, attracting thousands of tourists each year. It is the responsibility of the Moirang College students to ensure the cleanliness and maintenance of all tourist places, historical monuments, and heritage sites in and around Moirang College. The campaign began on September 17 from the College campus, with a focus on visual cleanliness and the welfare of Safai Mitras. The college campus is currently accommodating 950 individuals who were displaced from recent clashes in Manipur and are taking shelter in relief camps since May 3. The campaign aims to encourage citizen participation nationwide through activities like the Indian Swachhata League 2. , Safai Mitra Suraksha Shivir, and cleanliness drives.

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