Home » Mob attack on Churachandpur DC & SP Offices: 8 FIRs filed, 2 handed over to CBI – Chief Minister

Mob attack on Churachandpur DC & SP Offices: 8 FIRs filed, 2 handed over to CBI – Chief Minister

by Rinku Khumukcham
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Mob attack on Churachandpur DC & SP Offices: 8 FIRs filed, 2 handed over to CBI – Chief Minister

IT News
Imphal, Mar 1:

The state government has initiated action on eight (8) cases by registering FIRs at police stations, with two (2) cases subsequently transferred to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) regarding the mob attack on the Churachandpur DC and SP offices on the evening of February 15 this year. Chief Minister N. Biren Singh, who also holds the Home portfolio, made this announcement while responding to the calling attention motion raised by Congress MLA K. Meghachandra concerning the violence that erupted in Churachandpur following the suspension of a police Head Constable.
“The police head constable, identified as Siamlalpaul, was found posing with armed militants in a photo uploaded on social media. As a course of action, the SP of the Churachandpur district suspended him,” N. Biren stated on the 2nd day of the 5th session of the 12th Manipur Legislative Assembly.
Referring to a newspaper report in which PWD Minister Govindas Konthoujam had alleged MLA Paolienlal Haokip’s involvement in the crisis, MLA K. Meghachandra questioned the subsequent actions taken against Paolienlal Haokip.
Chief Minister N. Biren Singh, also the leader of the house, mentioned that MLA Paolienlal Haokip had incited anger among the people of Churachandpur via ‘X’ (previously known as Twitter) regarding the suspension of the head constable before the mob began attacking the Churachandpur DC & SP offices. He added that when the mob commenced their attack, security forces present at the scene warned them and even resorted to using non-lethal measures to disperse them. However, the situation escalated when some of the protestors began firing at the security forces.
“One Central force member was hit but survived due to the bulletproof vest, while 6 other state forces sustained injuries. Additionally, 43 civilians were injured on that day,” N. Biren said, noting that the government possesses footage of the incident and is taking action against the perpetrators. Addressing the news report regarding the burning of documents and records at the SP & DC offices, the Chief Minister clarified that while some offices were indeed burnt, not all of them suffered damage. Regarding land records and government documents, Biren assured that they are secure, with all land records having been digitalized.

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