Missing student found murdered; locals burnt the house of a suspected culprit

A student who has been reported missing since March 29 was found brutally murdered on Tuesday afternoon. The dead body of the missing student was found at around 1 pm yesterday from the hillock of Ngariyan in Thoubal district. Report said Thangjam Kelvin (age 16), son of Premjit of Usangkhong Mamang Leikai, a student of HRD School remained missing since March 29 after he has been called out by one Longjam Dhojo, through mobile phone. The dead body was partly decomposed but family member identified him after seeing the dress he wore. Police picked up the dead body and deposited it to JNIMS morgue.
Soon after the dead body was found, JAC formed against the missing of the boy blocked road at various part of Ushangkhong area and later at around 3 pm yesterday a public meeting was held at Ukhongsang ground. Later the locals there burnt the house of suspect, involved in the killing of Kelvin, identified as Longjam Oken @ Dhojo (age 21) son of Ibochouba of Nongpok Lourembam under Yairipok Police Station.  Later the angry locals thronged to Nongpok Sekmai Police station demanding immediate arrest of the culprits involved in the killing of the boy. Police fire tear gas shell and mock bomb while trying to control the mob. 3 women were injured in the police action.
Earlier the public meeting held at Ukhongsang ground resolved to call 24 hour general strike from midnight of April 17 if the authority fails to arrest the remaining culprits within April 16.
One of the suspect, Longjam Dhojo had earlier surrendered to Nongpok Sekmai Police Station on April 10, after police started investigating the case.

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