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Memorial services held for prominent UNLF leaders

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Memorial services held for prominent UNLF leaders

IT News
Imphal, June 28:

The memorial service for Samom Kriti Meitei, former leader of the United National Liberation Front (UNLF), and UNLF’s former vice-chairman Ayekpam Wangpa, was held today with the participation of leaders and activists from both the Koireng-led and Pambei-led factions of the UNLF.
Organized by the Samom Kriti Death Anniversary Observation Committee, the event at Kamong Maisnam Leikai marked the 27th anniversary of Samom Kriti Meitei’s death. Attendees paid floral tributes and gave revolutionary salutes in honor of the brave martyr. The gathering included numerous cadres and activists from both factions of the UNLF.
During the event, Samom Nabakumar Meitei, chairman of the Samom Kriti Death Anniversary Observation Committee, spoke about his brother’s legacy. He recounted Samom Kriti Meitei’s educational background at DM College, his beginnings with the Pan Manipuri Youth League, and his eventual role in the UNLF. Nabakumar highlighted Kriti’s courage, dedication, and contributions to Kamong village and the broader region of Manipur.
In a parallel commemoration, the 7th death anniversary of Ayekpam Wangpa, the former vice-chairman of UNLF, was observed at his residence in Naoremthong. Wangpa, who passed away due to natural causes on June 28, 2017, was remembered with floral tributes.
Both events reflected the enduring respect and remembrance for these key figures of UNLF and their contributions to their cause.

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