Home » Meitei Council hails PM & HM on border fencing

Meitei Council hails PM & HM on border fencing

by Jeet Akoijam
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Meitei Council hails PM & HM on border fencing

IT News
Imphal, Feb 9:

Meetei Council, Moreh (MCM) extends a warm welcome to the recent decision made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah regarding the construction of a fence along the entire 1648 km-long India-Myanmar border. In a statement released by Leishangthem Brojendro Meitei, General Secretary, Meetei Council Moreh, the organization today stated that this initiative is anticipated to significantly curb cross-border trafficking of drugs and arms, as well as the unauthorized entry of Myanmar nationals into India. Moreover, it is expected to mitigate the movement of anti-social elements between the two nations.
The decision comes at a crucial time for Manipur State, as the current crisis stems from the substantial influx of illegal Myanmar nationals into our territory. According to MCM, it firmly believes that maintaining a porous Indo-Myanmar border in the Manipur sector would only exacerbate the existing crisis. Therefore, the organization earnestly requests the Union Government to promptly commence the construction of the proposed fence by expediting the necessary processes.
Prior to initiating this significant endeavor, MCM emphasizes the importance of conducting a thorough and meticulous survey to ensure that no portion of our land is compromised in the process. The organization stresses the need for utmost caution to safeguard the territorial integrity of Manipur.
MCM expresses “heartfelt gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah for their timely decision to initiate the fencing of the Indo-Myanmar border.” This proactive step is perceived as a crucial measure in addressing the prevailing challenges faced by the region.

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