Home » Meira Paibis stage protests against Assam Rifles

Meira Paibis stage protests against Assam Rifles

by Jeet Akoijam
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IT News
Imphal, Aug 7:

Meira Paibis today staged protest at various parts of the valley district demanding the removal of Assam Rifles from Manipur. The womenfolk also block vehicles of Assam Rifles at various places.
At Singjamei, a large number of women in traditional red attires stormed to the Assam Rifles post at Chingamathak in Singjamei. The women were however stopped at the foothill by a team of state police. The women folk shouted slogans denouncing the excess of the Assam Rifles in handling the women protestors.
“Go back Assam Rifles”, “remove Assam Rifles”, etc. were some of the slogans shouted by the women protestors.
At Keishamthong area, a large number of Meira Paibis came to the road and check the movement of Assam Rifles. The Meira Paibis also staged a sit-in-protest demanding the removal of the Assam Rifles.
Protest were also seen at Khuyathong, Thangmeiband, Uripok, Sagolband, Tera Keithel, Langjing, Patsoi, Kwakeithel, Keishampat etc.

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