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Mega Health Camp provides Free Medical Services to over a thousand residents

by Konthoujam Gita
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Mega Health Camp provides Free Medical Services to over a thousand residents

IT News
Imphal, Jan 14:

A free mega health camp was conducted today at the Community Hall YIGP CLUB in Konthoujam Maning Leikai organized by Dr. Yaikhomba Taorem in collaboration with YIGP CLUB. The mega health camp featured specialists and super specialists across various medical disciplines, including medicine, pediatrics, psychiatry, ENT, eye care, dermatology, dental, neurosurgery, cardiac surgery, general surgery, urology, radiology, orthopedics, gastroenterology, gynecology/infertility/IVF, plastic & cosmetic surgery, and cancer surgery.
Attendees at the mega health camp had access to a range of complimentary services, including free consultation, free medicines, free ultrasound, free ECG, free uric acid test, free hemoglobin test, free sugar test, discounted laboratory tests, free insulin pens, free diabetic neuropathy screening, free lipid profile tests, and free HBA1c (diabetes) tests.
Dr. Yaikhomba Taorem, the driving force behind the health camp, shared that this marked the seventh edition of the annual event, which reaches both valley and hilly areas of Manipur. He mentioned that the camp had faced interruptions in previous years due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic but stressed the importance of continuing such initiatives, especially during challenging times.
Expressing gratitude to Dr. Yaikhomba Taorem, Thokchom Somendro Singh, representing YIGP CLUB, thanked him for providing this invaluable opportunity to the residents of Konthoujam. Somendro extended his wishes, hoping for the continual blessing of good health and success for Dr. Yaikhomba Taorem. The health camp, targeting more than a thousand people, aimed to address the healthcare needs of the community and contribute positively to the well-being of the residents in the Konthoujam area.

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