Home » Mass protests erupt against heavy security deployment and arrest of village volunteers

Mass protests erupt against heavy security deployment and arrest of village volunteers

by Rinku Khumukcham
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Mass protests erupt against heavy security deployment and arrest of village volunteers

IT News
Imphal, June 23:

Mass protests have erupted across many districts in the Imphal Valley area against heavy security deployment and the arrest of village volunteers responsible for guarding villages. Residents took to the streets demanding the removal of central forces, whom they accuse of siding with Kuki militants.
In a protest held at Thangmeiband area today, Phuritsabam Bina, Secretary of Ima Khunthoknganbi Meira Thangmeiband Meisnam Leikai, expressed frustration, stating, “Since May 3, we have suffered due to ineffective governance. They are arresting village volunteers, and there are orders to arrest those who have not been detained yet. This implies that the state and central governments want us to be killed by Kuki militants. If the government does not care, we must rise and face those waging war against us.”
“We will not accept this. They do not work properly and take the side of the Kukis. Without central forces, we can defend ourselves,” Bina added, “demanding the removal of central security forces.”
In Bishnupur District, District Magistrate Lourembam Bikram imposed a curfew along the route from Mukta High School, Kokilabon Moirang to Hemam Nilamani Ground, Ngangkha Leikai, Moirang due to the security situation. Despite the curfew, Manipur Chanura Lamjing Lup (MACHALL) organized a rally today, which garnered large participation in the area. The rally, starting at 1 pm from Mukta High School, concluded at Ngangkha Leikai Nilamani Ground, Moirang, with participants chanting slogans like, “We will determine our own future.”
Simultaneously, protesters gathered at Lilong Chajing Regional College with the intention to submit a memorandum to the Chief Minister demanding the removal of security forces and opposing the arrest of village volunteers. However, they were halted at MU Gate by state police. The protest was organized by Imagi Meira, AMKIL, along with other Meira Paibi organizations from across the valley districts. The decision to march was made during a gathering on June 17 at Singjamei.

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