Many beneficiaries deprived of assured food grain, no accountability of the government – KSA

IT News
Imphal, July 17:

Kangleipak Students Federation (KSA) today accused the State Govt. of being insincere and hint that the loud claims of the Govt. regarding food security to all during Covid-19 pandemic as mere publicity gimmick. The Valley based student body in a press release today highlighted that despite the Central Govt. assurance of food and financial security to the people via its multiples central sponsored schemes, the beneficiaries in the state are still deprived of their share. It termed the current public distribution system as flawed where only a handful of people with connections are doing politics of the food grains and using it as a business opportunity. KSA further urged the concern authority to review the public distribution system in the state and rectify the faults so that deserving beneficiaries get their rightful share.

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