Manipur’s Barber Brigade: Cutting Hair, Sharing Hope

From May 3 onwards, the idyllic tales of Manipur, once a haven of peace and harmony, were abruptly replaced by a narrative steeped in chaos and sorrow. The serene landscapes of the state became overshadowed by the rampant reports of heart-wrenching bloodshed, brutal gang rapes, merciless killings of innocent souls, devastating arson attacks leading to the loss of countless homes, and the traumatic displacement of numerous inhabitants from their ancestral dwellings.
In the face of this upheaval, the Government of Manipur, spearheaded by Chief Minister N Biren Singh, grappled with the magnitude of the situation. With the administrative machinery overwhelmed, it was the ordinary citizens of Manipur who emerged as the beacon of hope and solidarity. Rising above their fears, many embarked on selfless missions to the vulnerable foothills, serving as voluntary defenders of beleaguered villages. Others recognized the pressing need for shelter and resources, and swiftly established relief camps within school premises and community centers. Grassroots groups mobilized, working tirelessly to gather and distribute essential relief materials. Meanwhile, the artists of the state transformed their pain into poignant melodies, creating music that resonated deeply with the collective grief of the community.
Amid these myriad gestures of goodwill and unity, one group stands out not for grandiosity but for their humble and genuine contribution. A dedicated team of six hairdressers chose to forgo their day’s earnings every Tuesday, shutting their salons to head to a relief camp and offer free haircuts. While their altruistic act might not be making headlines, it embodies the spirit of selfless service that’s much needed during such times. Operating out of the Kakching Mini Stadium, the “Barber Salai Taret” team, as they’ve christened themselves, comprises Ningthouba Khuman, Thoiba Lairenmayum, Leo Laishram, Max Tongbram, Yumnam Ringo, and Amarjit Ashem. Each member runs distinct salons scattered across the Imphal West district. While they might not have substantial funds to donate supplies, they recognized an unmet need within the relief camps and decided that their skills with scissors could be their personal contribution amidst this crisis. Their story underscores the fact that in times of turmoil, every act of kindness, no matter how small, becomes a beacon of hope and resilience.
Ningthoubam Khuman, with a sincere voice, shared their journey: “We aren’t a part of any official organization. It’s our shared ideology, our deep-rooted desire to contribute to our homeland that has bound us together in this initiative. We brainstormed ways in which we could support our people during these testing times in Manipur. Even though our earnings are modest, we recognized that our skills in haircutting could be our heartfelt contribution.”
In a state where numerous souls have stepped forward to lend a helping hand, Ningthouba Khuman and his team felt compelled to employ their unique skills to the cause. He said, “Although our earnings are modest, we committed ourselves to set aside every Tuesday to provide complimentary haircuts to those taking refuge in the relief camps. Moreover, pooling our resources, the six of us occasionally buy food items, focusing especially on bringing some comfort to the children in these camps.”
Driven by a purpose that’s larger than themselves, the team is resolute in their commitment to serve the relief camps until every displaced individual is able to return to the security of their homes. This correspondent chanced upon them during their service at a relief camp in Kakching. Remarkably, this was already the third camp they had visited, and by that time, they had extended their hairdressing services to more than 200 grateful individuals.
As word spread of their selfless endeavors, the community began rallying behind them. With genuine appreciation in his eyes, Ningthouba explained, “None of us hail from affluent backgrounds. We don’t own vehicles to navigate to the more remote camps. But the beauty of community spirit has been evident – people have generously lent us their cars, and others have donated fuel. Their unwavering support empowers us to continue our mission and cater to the needs of those suffering in these makeshift refuges. Thanks to this collective effort, we’re able to travel far and wide to provide our services.”
The group shared an emotional insight into their experiences at the relief camps. “Every camp we visited, we were greeted with warmth and gratitude,” Khuman recounted. “Seeing our presence there, not just as service providers, but as fellow citizens who empathized with their loss, brought comfort to the camp inmates. The joy evident in the children’s eyes was particularly heartwarming, and we felt deeply honored to spend those precious moments with them, sharing their grief and resilience.”
In these trying times for Manipur, solidarity is paramount. The state yearns for the peace and unity that defined it prior to the tragic events of May 3. Although the Government appears to be making strides towards this goal, tangible results remain elusive. There’s an underlying tension, with a segment of the community ardently advocating for a separate administrative setup for Manipur. Such a proposition, however, seems challenging given the current dynamics.
Everyone understands the age-old adage – violence only begets more violence. The escalating unrest coupled with the government’s seeming inefficacy has cast a gloomy shadow over the state’s law and order mechanism. As the unfortunate situation approaches its half-year mark, it’s becoming ever clearer that while not everyone can contribute with financial means, there’s immense power in harnessing one’s skills and talents for the greater good.
In the midst of turmoil, it’s heartening to witness stories like that of Ningthouba Khuman and his team – ordinary individuals making an extraordinary impact, reminding everyone that in unity and compassion lies the path to healing and renewal.

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